We BNI members can get lazy. Or we don’t realize that what we learn in our BNI meetings is transferrable to our everyday and everywhere lives. So, when we are networking outside of our BNI meetings, we need to remember the basics: Name, Memory Hooks, Business Cards, Referrals, Givers Gain.
At networking events, it is important that we take care of introductions. Assuming that others know our names or remember us may ensure that we are forgotten. After making eye contact with someone, put out your right hand and say, “Hi, my name is ____________.” Where appropriate, remind the person you are speaking to that you met previously. If you are with someone else, be sure that everyone gets introduced. Few of us are offended by being introduced to someone we already know; but not being introduced greatly reduces the effectiveness of being at networking functions. When giving names, speak slowly. Clearly announce the first name, pause, the last name, pause and then the company name. This allows others to remember names better and to put names and faces together.
In BNI, one of the most effective things we learn to do is to identify ourselves/our businesses succinctly with memory hooks. As a director, I really enjoy helping members to create memory hooks for themselves. My memory hooks are always created to be entertaining as well as providing a benefit for doing business with me. One of the best ways to utilize your memory hook at networking events is to partner with someone you know well. Rather than introducing yourselves, you will each introduce the other, complete with memory hook. This makes you both stand out in people’s memories.
Business cards are only useful when they are in other people’s possession. So don’t leave the office without them. Take a look at your business card. Is it easy to read? Does it clearly convey your business? If not, take some time to redesign your cards. Keep it basic. Your card allows others to contact you, so it needs your name, company name, contact information. Some people put an office number on the front and then hand write write their cell phone number on the blank back. I usually write my e-mail adress on the back of cards I wish others to hold onto and use in the future. Ask for business cards from others and wait for them to ask for yours.
Always be ready to ask for referrals. When someone asks what kind of business you are looking for, it is a wasted opportunity if you don’t have an adequate answer. When you have considered your marketplace prior to an event, it shows that you are serious about your business and ready to move on referrals that you receive. This increases others’ confidence in you and causes them to be more likely to remember you and to generate those referrals for you.
Finally, as any BNI member knows, Givers Gain. Going with a givers attitude is the best approach. When speaking with others, ask the questions that show you are interested in helping others. Truly being interested in and working towards the success of others creates an abundance of success. That success will always attract others to us, creating yet more successes.
Back to the basics of business: Names; Memory Hooks; Business Cards; Referrals; and Giving, Giving, Giving! Enjoy Networking and you will increase your Net Worth!
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